Tuesday 3 June 2008

oh dear

Have becoming increasingly concerned about the size of my nose.

(and some other more distinctly wobbly bits of my general physique. but right now - given that it is 00:25 BST - when traditionally the more minor paranoias can surface and fester - it's the nose I'm worrying about).

The thing that is especially concerning is that now I'm aware that it is infact (or at least in more and more unflattering photos of me) larger than previously realised, I'm annoyingly reminded that the nose is (like bum, tum and thighs apparently) one of those parts of you that keeps growing even while other bits of one's body move gracefully and (mercifully slowly) into biological shutdown.

But not the nose. My ever increasing scent extractor is just going to keep on growing. oh joy. we are indeed fearfully (and wonderfully...hmmm) made. eek.

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